Since its the end of the year, and all I can think about is unwinding, eating and basically taking it easy - I'd like to share one of my old time favorite places to eat. Yes it's another food story, but I can't help it!
Muchacho's Restaurant has been around since 1986! It was started by Mr Saidi (of Arab descent) in the Kariakoo' neighborhood of Dar Es Salaam. Despite it's humble facilitates, the place attracted foodies from all over the the city, cutting social classes. The concept of driveways is very new to Tanzania, and what made Muchachos pretty cool, was you could eat in your car! Let's face it, we all want to do that, especially on on days when you're not in the mood to socialize.
After space constrains in Kariakoo and rising property prices, Muchachos moved to Mfaume Street in Upanga. Their kariakoo customers were pretty upset, but Dar Es Salaam mega growth over the last decade or so has allowed them to attract many more new clients - for both eat in's (more seating space), take away's and car eats!
If you've never visited - you're surely missing out on some of Dar Es Salaam's most iconic eats!
PS > Mr Said is a serious 'don't mess with' fan of SIMBA Tanzania and LIVERPOOL! It's obvious from all the RED at his restaurant!
Muchachos Takeaway from a distance
Mr Said with his staff
Mr Said in his youth!
The kitchen door - ofcourse with a liverpool sign!
The restaurant scene
Chilled out waiter
Mr Said, The Owner
Mishkaki - The most popular item on the menu
Wall Art - "Liverpool SASA BOW FINE CHE" - translates from Gujarati to English as - Liverpool is now very good!
Condiments! - Ketchup (Peptang, Tamarind, Mango Chutney, and Feirce Chilly Chutney)
Meal fit for a king!